Monday, January 25, 2021

Throwback Monday

 Kinsey lived to be almost 13, which is a good lifespan for a giant breed dog.  She was healthy and active up to the end, but it wasn't all good genes.  Just like humans, dogs benefit from a healthy lifestyle and Kinsey competed in Agility until she was 10 - although at age 8 or 9 we moved her to an easier level with lower jump heights.  She seemed to enjoy this, which is the main reason we did it.  She liked going to classes too.  Here she is at age 9 or 10, at an agility seminar:


But as she got older, she started having trouble with arthritis.  This is as common a problem with older dogs as it is with older humans, and many of the same medications and treatments that are used in humans can help dogs.  **DISCLAIMER** Obviously, do NOT EVER give your dog any medication without checking with your vet!!  Although dogs and humans can sometimes take the same drugs, often times they can't.  Also, the dosage may be way different.

But anyway, our older Danes have benefited from a healthy diet, exercise as they can tolerate, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), pain-relieving therapies like chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, cold laser, and also rehab to keep them strong!

Here is Kinsey doing the underwater treadmill back in 2014, when she was 12.  The warm water takes a lot of weight and stress off the joints as the dog exercises.  They are introduced to this gradually, with lots of treats.  In Kinsey's case, really a LOT of treats since if I didn't keep the treats coming she would just stop walking!  She always liked to set the rules.

One thing she did NOT have to be bribed for was the cold laser treatment.  It's called a "cold" laser because it doesn't heat up the way a standard laser does, it never gets hot enough to damage tissue.  But it does create warmth and stimulates blood flow, and Kinsey LOVED IT.  You can just see the waves of contentment coming off her here:

The therapist's little French Bulldog liked to curl up with Kinsey during these treatments - I nearly died from the cuteness!

We cater to their comfort at home too.  Years ago a chiropractic vet recommended putting a heat lamp over one of the dog beds, so the could get under it or not as they choose.  We use a "brooder" lamp which is designed to keep baby chicks warm.  It's very safe around animals and safe to keep on for long periods of time.  We use an infrared lamp - partly I think they work better, but it's also nice since they aren't so bright.

Anyway, Kinsey LOVED her heat lamp!!  She used it all during the fall, winter and spring.


And she wasn't the only one who liked it!  Our cat ZB often would commandeer the bed.  Even though she is so small, the dogs have so much respect (cough*fear*cough) for her that they won't try to get on the bed when she is there!

We have been fortunate with our Danes for several decades now, they have all lived to 10 or more.  Right now we don't have any elder Danes, just two youngsters.  But gosh I miss those sweet grey faces!

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