Sunday, October 10, 2021


 -Known officially as Veterinary Perinatal Specialties, Inc.  This is a company that leases uterine contraction monitors and doppler ultrasound units so that breeders can monitor their bitches prior to whelping.  The staff is very knowledgeable, and provide excellent support and advice (in conjunction with the client's veterinarian, of course).

Here is Ellie getting monitored.  The sensor is a flat little disc, and although it can be strapped to the dog, it usually works best to just put it under her when she is laying down.  By the last week or so of pregnancy, the mother usually is sleeping a lot anyway.  The monitor stays in place for an hour, then you send the data to Whelpwise and they call back with the results.

Here is a picture of our latest monitor session.

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